Friday, December 31, 2010

A New t-minus 30 minutes

As I type this new post, it is about 30 minutes until the new year is rung in. Sigh, I have so much to be thankful for this past year, even thought it hasn't been the best. I have been able to enjoy Lilly's first year, I moved for the first time, and Sam...well Sam has been the best husband and father through all this. I could go into the new year resolutions that I want to maybe possibly, think of actually making. No, I'm joking. I really want to stick with these goals this year. I have a feeling this next year is going to be different. I want it to be different. I need it to be different. I need to put my goals down and get them organized...hmmm... I seem to be saying "organized" a little too much....oh well. That will be my next post.

Well, this year is almost over, this will be the last post for this year of 2010. When I write the brand new post for the year 2011 I will not be the same person I was. I will be a good way. I can't promise how I will be different, only that I will be.

Just another day in potato land

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Merry Christmas and a T.V.

Merry Late Christmas!!!

This has been one of the most wonderful Christmas' that I've had in a long time. I know that Christmas was a couple days ago but I've been enjoying my spoils... and so has Sam... and so has Lilly. Someone had come and dropped off a huge box of presents and a big basket of food at the door of the Kelly home. It made this Christmas that much more enjoyable! It was so thoughtful and generous. To make these past couple weeks better, I had my birthday on the 14th. Josh and Tess made some delicious roast and Sheri made a spumoni cake which was so moist and yummy! Then Sam wanted to take me to the movies, but I wasn't really in the mood for a movie. But we wanted to do something. So I thought I'd be spontaneous and go to Wal-Mart and do some random activity together. I was surprised because Sam wasn't wanting to be spontaneous. But I figured it was my day so we went to Wal-Mart and came up with a game. We had to do something in the store that started with each letter of the alphabet. Needless to say, Sam wasn't too thrilled. Again, I figured it was my day. So, I thought it was pretty fun, but it would have better as a double date. Yes, Sam I admitted it! In retrospect, I should have done something different. Because it was my special day. I was still grateful to Sam for spending that time with me.

Anyway, we ended up doing a kind of make up date a week later. We went to Red Robin and ate. I had the crispy chicken sandwich and, surprisingly, was able to eat the whole thing! Oh and the fries too! Sam had some appetizers combo because he wasn't very hungry. Before we left for the date, he said he had a surprise for me. He then gave me a shopping spree of $20 in cash! Seriously, it was a great gift! He had been saving it up the past couple months from change he'd get. I loved it! He then said that I could spend it tonight. Which meant shopping! Something that he doesn't like to do. So that right there was an even greater gift. Plus, we went out to eat which we hadn't done in a looonnnggg time. It was so amazing! Although, I think both Sam and I are glad that I don't take him shopping with me. Lol :~) I love you Sam! We were planning on going to see a movie but by the end of the night, Sam was bushed. I thought it was funny because it was switched around, I wanted to see the movie and he didn't. But that's all fine and dandy. (Oh I ended up getting some Crunch N' Munch popcorn, Nail polish, and an iTunes gift card. I had a hard time deciding on what to get...which is why I take so long shopping. HA!)

As for Christmas, both Sam and I had been working on each others presents. I made him a couple sets of coupon books. And I must say that I am pretty proud of them! But that's another post. Sam would not give me any hints as to what he was getting me. I will be honest... it made me nervous! He wanted the anticipation to grow as it got closer to Christmas. And he succeeded!
On Christmas Eve, Sam actually had to work. He had gotten home and told me to go downstairs so he could wrap my present. Well, Lilly needed a bath and be put down for bed. So while I got her ready, he would wrap it. Well, Lilly's bath was a little shorter then planned and I didn't realize that Sam and Josh were bringing in my present. Yes it had to take two people!!! I quickly looked away and went back into the bathroom.

"Hey Courtney!" Sam's voice came through the door. "You're suppose to stay in there!"
"I'm sorry!" I replied. "Don't worry I didn't see anything!"
"Good." Sam said.

I really didn't see anything, but the fact that it had to take two people to bring it in, made me more anxious and worried! As much as he wanted me to stay in the bathroom until he got the present wrapped, I couldn't...Lilly wouldn't let me. So I told Sam that and he came and escorted me down to the basement, you know, to make sure I didn't see anything. I could hear them wrapping up the present. I got Lilly to bed and just hung out downstairs until Sam gave me permission to come up.

While we made our way up, he kept telling me that I CAN NOT, under any circumstances, touch it until Christmas. I go to the Christmas tree and see this huge box by the entertainment center. It was wrapped in a blue bed sheet. I thought, Oh my gosh! At that point, so many thoughts were going through my head. We had a budget! I specifically asked him not to get anything huge. Where are we gonna store that? We already have a T.V. Is it a piece of furniture? Why'd he wrap it in a bed sheet? So help me...if he got me something that he says is for me but really something that he would use more, I'm gonna kill him!

He apologized for the wrapping job, but apparently it was difficult to wrap. He also assured me that he didn't do any kind of credit card stuff or payment plan. So that...kinda...helped. But it wasn't adding up for me. I did not know what was hidden under that sheet... and I was scared! Lol I kept teasing him, pretending I was gonna go touch it but I didn't. That night, I had a hard time falling asleep. Not because of the thrill and excitement of Christmas but because I was wondering what was in that huge box. I finally got to sleep.

We awoke, correction, I woke up and surprised Sam with one of my coupon books. Then we waited until Lilly got up and went upstairs. All the presents under the tree made me grateful that we had so much, especially after not having a lot lately. Then the time came when I got to open the big box. Actually, Sam unveiled it, he wanted Josh to take a picture of my reaction. I sat on the couch and he pulled the bed sheet off of it. Lo, and behold, it was a box with a T.V. picture! I thought, Really?! Then I saw the top of it was taped with some red and white tape. So I got excited when I realized that it wasn't a T.V. He tricked me! He was so excited for me to look into the box.

I ripped that tape off and pulled back the cardboard flaps. Inside was a bunch of wadded up pieces of wrapping paper and newspaper. He told me that there were 7 presents in there. A couple were small. So I got the first two and they were Gardetto's snacks. The third was Advent Children DVD. The fourth was a video game called Peggle. The fifth was a stack of yellow stickies (He said he was suppose to write notes on there for me). The sixth was an iTunes gift card. And the seventh was a small ring box. Sam told me to open was empty. He got down on his knee and said, "Courtney Hudgins, will you marry me again?" He pulled out a sterling silver ring band. I, of course, said yes. He slipped it on my finger and we embraced and kissed. I love the ring! The reason he got it for me is because since I have gained weight, *cough* I know, my original wedding ring cannot fit my finger. I have been on the look for one for almost a year and I've felt bad not wearing one. So, that was an amazing gift for me! And it fit perfectly!

The rest of the morning/early afternoon, we opened presents together as a family, Sherie, Denny, Josh, Tess, Ryley, Sam, Lilly and I. Lilly and Ryley had a blast with the wrapping and the boxes. And played with their new toys...every now and again. :~) Family really is the most important thing in the world. I am sad, however, that I was not able to see my side of the family this season. Living with my in-laws have been an amazing opportunity to get to know them and come closer as a family. I also know that the reason our little family is together and that we are making it is because of Heavenly Father.

As for pictures, I have a couple up but hopefully I'll be posting more soon.

~Namaste~ (Trying to find my true valediction)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh wow!...Yeeeaaahhh it's been a while!

Well, here we are and it's almost Christmas and the last time I wrote anything it was hot and dry outside. Now it's wet and the sun peaked out for a total of...oh...4 minutes for the first time in daaayyss.

Anywho, the past few months have been quite an interesting ride. Although not quite as different since July as we are still living with my wonderful (And I genuinely mean that) in-laws and financially struggling. BUT it can always be worse. I seem to be telling myself that lately. Sam got a job at Best Buy in November. He doesn't get a whole lot of hours but it's something. Lilly is 14 months now and walking. I don't think she crawls a whole lot anymore, so we are super excited about that. Sam's brother Josh and his girlfriend, Tess, and their son have moved into the house as well. So, needless to say, it's been interesting. I have actually enjoyed as stressful as it can be. Yes, I am being honest, it is stressful. Josh and Tess's son, Ryley, and Lilly get a long great. I think it's a great opportunity for Lilly to have a playmate and who better to have than a cousin. :~)

I keep kicking myself because I keep meaning to post pictures and write more on my blog. I guess I just get lazy and discouraged sometimes. And that seems to happen too often lately....I had an interview yesterday and I'm suppose to hear back the beginning of this week, so we'll see how that goes. It was an interview for a childcare position. Well, that's it for now. I'll check back later.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Realization Station

I have realized a whole lot in these last 2 weeks! I haven't been able to start my exercising due to the fact that I have yet to buy some tennis shoes due to the other fact that I am saving up for said tennis shoes which goes to the fact that it's taking almost three weeks to save up for them due to the fact that we have very little money which goes to the fact that sucks! Granted that is a very long sentence without commas but I don't really care right now. I think it's fun to be rebellious, as much as you can with grammatical errors. Lol.

Anywho! I've decided to write this post in the center because I wanted to try it out.
I seem to be getting these realizations more often now. Now...I just need to act on them. I hate it when I do so well at the beginning and then just start to go downhill. I know it happens to everyone but it's different when it actually starts happening to you personally. I hope that makes sense.

Realization #1: Don't Think So Much!
This one came to me while my husband, Sam, and I were arguing (nicely). I have discovered that recently I'm having the hardest time making decisions and it's usually about minor things like at the grocery store. Or even big things like what I want to do with my life, that I haven't already done/or am doing at the present time. I think to much on it or dwell on it. I need to act! I understand that for certain decisions it's important to think and ponder and pray. However, the things that I have been thinking too much about are things that don't really matter. Clarification, I need to stop thinking too much!

Realization #2: Stop Caring About What Others Think About You!
I care WAY to much about what others think. Even now as I type this blog, I try to edit myself thinking "who is going to read this? I don't want to offend anyone." When in reality, I know others read this, not quite sure how many, but does it really matter? No! It's my blog, I can say what I want and think, but also remembering that this isn't my journal. Lol. Recently, I signed on with a website called where I am an "Examiner" for Food and Drink. (Here is a link if you want to take a look, I've just started so there's only one article so far. want to write and I guess this is a good start. I write articles that have to do with Food and Drink, sort of like a critic. I like to express my opinions. I believe that I have gotten a little better with that. I also don't enjoy confrontation and I'm not very quick on my feet with words. I think that's why I care so much about what others think. Plus, I am a people pleaser. I want to write, I always have, and I am good at it, therefore I will do it!!!!!
Anyway, I'm just babbling on and on. The point is, is that as cheesy as this sounds, it's okay to dream and work to making your dreams come true. Don't let anyone, including yourself, say you can't do it or that it's impossible! Find inspiration!

Realization #3: Just do it!
Life is too short! I watched a devotional on Sunday about the precious commodity of time by Douglas M. Andrus. It was such an uplifting devotional! He talked about our time here on earth is limited, we all die at some point and it's what we do with our time really shows a lot. He ended with three points that we all need to keep in mind of:

*This is the time to prepare, to perform, and to improve.
*Don't put off important things by saying "sometime" - Do them now.
*President Monson said, "This is our one and only chance at mortal life."

Procrastination is so easy but it is such a bad habit to get into, because it really does affect your life and you as a person. I can say that through personal experience. I hope that when people read my blog that they will take lessons from them and know that it is my opinion and my life, and to edit what I say isn't fair to me or others out there. Who knows what people need to hear if I don't say it at all. Maybe I need to organize my thoughts and challenges into different blogs. That would be quite a bit of blogging. I'll see what I can do. I want this blog to be about my family but it seems to just be what I'm doing...yeah so maybe I do need to create a couple more blogs. I find something.

I would appreciate some feedback or ideas!

Monday, June 21, 2010


I have decided on two challenges that I will set for myself:

1. Start exercising
2. Taking pictures

So for a more in depth description of the challenges. I've also decided to do these challenges in 7 day increments, to make them into smaller goals. I don't want them too big because then I lose interest and sometimes they're harder to do or stay motivated to do them. Plus, I also like blogging about my experience.

1. Start Exercising
I just got done reading a big article on about people who lost weight and their inspiring stories. And they did just that for me. Inspire. So now that I have decided to start exercising I need to do it. I believe that I eat ok but I still need to work on that. I really want to get rid of my flabby prego skin. I hope to keep on this because I know I've wanted to do this in the past but never found the umf to do it. I want to try exercising in the morning. I've always been more a morning person, Lilly gets up at around 6 am so I can just exercise while she sleeps for another 2 hours or so and I love the morning air and what not. So that's what I'm gonna try for 7 days. Now, I need to go get some tennis shoes.

2. "Pictures of 7 Days"
I came up with this challenge yesterday while Sam, Lilly and I were out walking with a couple of friends. My friend, Lindsay, was taking pictures with her phone and I thought how fun it would be to have so many pictures to show everyone. So I'm gonna say that this is my "Pictures of 7 Days." That will be the name of this challenge. I am going to take as many pictures as I can each day. Maybe even to the point were I will fill up my memory card everyday. Then I will need to print them and put them into a album....but that's another challenge for another week.

However, I'm not sure when I should start them. I'm not making this as an excuse but I might wait until I get some tennis shoes. I'm just gonna have to go shopping for the shoes and not spend a whole lot on them. That might take up some time. I'll keep posting.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Well the challenge is least this one is.

Well, that challenge is over and all I can say is I need to do another one. I kinda fumbled at the end but I have learned from it. What I really need to do is step back and just be grateful for what I have instead of wanting more and taking what I have for granted. I need to further my talents instead of hiding them, not matter how stupid I might think they are. I love my Heavenly Father! I love Sam! I love Lilly! I love my family, both sides!!! I am so grateful for a roof over my head! I'm so grateful for Sam's job! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to stay at home with our daughter! I am so grateful for such wonderful friends!!! I am so grateful for good, wholesome entertainment!

Although, I'm not quite sure what my next challenge is going to be. I'll figure that out eventually. I learned though that watching so much T.V. isn't good. I mean I knew that before but I just didn't really realize it until I was doing it so much. I just need to do it!!!! Well, that's all for now.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Going strong...sort of....

Well, I'm keeping an update on the challenge that I made. So far I'm doing pretty good! I think so, anyway. I have had my moments of weakness however. I'm learning that my challenges might have to be adjusted so that they are reasonable challenges. I'm also learning that in order to get rid of a bad habit, I need to substitute a good one for it. Yesterday was kind of a weird day in that I actually was productive but I watched a lot of TV while I was doing it. I made two pies and they turned out really good!!! Everyone in the house loved them!! I made a peanut butter pie and a chocolate/butterscotch pie with whipped topping. They were goooddd!!!!

Then I went outside to write a little but the dogs weren't leaving me alone and I couldn't go away from the house because my daughter was sleeping and I was the only one home at the time. By the way, Lilly is doing great!!! About a week ago, her first tooth game in...actually it was two that we could see. They are the front two on the bottom. Sam and I also think more are coming in. She hasn't been sleeping very well...unfortunately and it's been affecting both Sam and I. But that's to be expected with kids. She also started to crawl last week and hasn't stopped since. As I write now, she is wanting to stand on my chair with me....that is to say that really I'm sitting and not

Anyway, the challenge ends tomorrow. Honestly, I think Sam has done a good job but I don't think he's as into it as I am, which is fine...I guess. I'm learning that we both have our own thing even though we are married. It seems like this challenge is more for me because I am a stay at home mom and need to find something to do and stay dedicated to it. I also just enjoy spending time with Sam as he is gone a whole lot and home late sometimes. During this challenge I have been feeling a little...ok...very discouraged sometimes. I know that it is Satan trying to get to me and I'm doing my hardest to not let it get to me. But it is difficult sometimes. Sam has been very encouraging and supportive!!! I will continue to do these challenges and tweak them a little just to make them reasonable as well as effective and I understand that in order to do so, I need to try and try again. Patient is a virtue. Every time I think of that I think of Hans from "Rigoletto," not sure how many of you have seen it but it's an awesome movie. It's an independent film but it's good!!!! Well I keep writing and informing, as for's time to eat lunch with my wiggly daughter!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alright, I mean it this time!

Okay, okay....I know I'm not the only one that has a hard time committing to goals and what not. However,I have just gotten tired of my laziness the past couple weeks. I'm getting disappointed in myself because I'm not really progressing and that's gotta stop. That kinda sounds funny....But anyway. I was reading this months Ensign magazine and the article that really got to me was by Elder Bednar. I think the title was...ok...I actually don't remember but it really made me stop and re-evaluate and make me ponder about my actions, or lack thereof. Especially concerning my physical body. I have gotten into a habit of watching T.V., actually more like watching T.V. shows I try not to watch actually T.V. because of the commercials are just a waste of time. We have Netflix and have been using that a whole lot. I enjoy watching the T.V. shows because I like the stories and it gives me ideas for my own. Plus, since I can't seem to find any good book series I find the ones on T.V. are sometimes just as good.

Anyhow, after reading the article I had my husband, Sam, read it. After he read it, I suggested that we take a challenge. That for 1 week we limit our T.V. watching to 2 hours a week (That's gonna be really hard because we're almost done with Season 2 of 24 and once we get into the next season it's gonna be hard to stop.), limit video game play to 1 1/2 hours (that's gonna be hard mostly for Sam), no more mindless internet surfing and T.V. watching, and (for me mostly) not listening to music that does not bring in the spirit.

I am actually pretty psyched about it. We are starting today. I know it's kinda weird but I know that if "I just wait until Sunday, because it starts a new week" I'll just procrastinate it and I won't get done nor will I have the wanting to do it. So I'm going to try out a technique with keeping my goals.

1.I am going to create a calendar and track my progress. I'm hoping that doing for a week will help me get into a good habit. I thought I'd start small.

2.I am going to do journal entries. I'm going to do them both written and blogified. Lol.

3. Report to a friend or family member...or just blog about it. I hope that my husband and I will to this together...maybe do a Family Home Evening type thing or just report at the end of the day. Lol A thought just came to me. Maybe...I could try doing an hour to hour thing like on 24 seeing how Sam and I have gotten obsessed about the T.V. show. I also hope to use my blog as a sort of update or tracking my progress.

4. Finally, I believe in the rewards program. So I think that once we meet our goals or at least change our bad habits, that there will be a small reward of some kind. Haven't thought of anything yet.

So there you have it, another goal I hope to go through with. Right now I'm pretty confident in it, plus it gives my an opportunity to feel like I'm being productive or actually BE productive. I WILL keep this posted and updated. I WILL!!!! :~)

Monday, April 12, 2010


I had a "To Do" list today, which only some of it got done, but this is one of them. This is a poem I wrote in college.

My Mind, My World, My Sanctuary

My mind is my world,
Ever-spinning, ever-busy, ever-thinking.
My mind wonders to places where I have been,
A sanctuary of a dark blue spruce forest,
The sweet awakening of the fresh pine scent,
Quickly it makes its way through my nose,
Unlocking memories of the past.
I try to find solitude within this vast tree land,
Where elk songs are being carried along with the wind.
A meadow lies in the heart of the wood,
Beckoning me to rest in its long, wind-tossed tallgrass.
My bare feet feel the softness of the Bromus grass.
Robins and Sparrows swarm from the opening at my approach,
Their chirping bounces of the branches of the Red Pine.
Big fluffy clouds roll in after a long hot blistery day
Getting ready to burst forth with refreshing rain.
I welcome the cool touch of the water droplets,
Trying to let them wash away my uncertainties,
Hoping that they’ll give me nourishment,
Just as they do the pine trees that surround me.

A sanctuary of a light golden sandy beach,
The calming aroma of the moon-churned sea,
Quickly it travels to my lungs,
Awakening the adventure within me.
I try to find answers in the salty foamed waves,
The distant chanting of the heavy waves,
Carries those answers to my pounding heart.
A pink starfish that has been washed up
Keeps me company,
Dark green, slimy seaweed slithers past my feet.
The chilly waves of the ocean splash over my feet,
They get buried in the fresh sand that’s brought with the water.
The salty wind whips my curly locks into my face,
My nose wrinkles as my hair tickles it,
I brush it away with my fingers.
The Red Delicious, orange-rind sun
Is peeking over the horizon line.
The renewing of a fresh, new morning…
Only in my mind
My mind will always wonder to places I have been
Ever-creating, ever-imagining, ever-living.
My mind is my world.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ai Ya!

Wow! Half way through the week and I've been able to go to bed early once! And even then that was because I was sooo pooped out! I know that's kinda sad, but it's a start...I guess.

Lilly and I enjoyed a lovely day with my mom and sisters at the Zoo. After spending a day looking for a spot (Lol) we got into the park. It took us forever to get a parking spot and it was a scorcher...for Colorado spring weather. It was probably only 70 degrees but it felt hotter than that. It was Lilly's first visit to the zoo. She seemed to enjoy it! She would only look at the animals that were big and moved. Plus, most of the animals were sleeping. We had fun though! I also tried Dippin' Dots for the first time. They were okay, but not as great as everyone makes them out to be. :~)

We got back to my mom's house and watched "Lost"....Of course when it started a few hours later. Lilly was tired but she was fighting with all her might! We left and got home and she was sleeping. I was pooped out, too! I was hot and achy and towards the middle of the night I got a migraine. I'm so glad Lilly slept through the night!

Here are the pictures:

For some reason I couldn't get it to rotate. So this is me and my Lillybug at the front of the zoo.

Lilly and Grandma Lovell looking at the Polar Bears.

"I want order!" Lilly screamed from her throne. "And to see the animals!" Lol

...Looks like she had a one too many. Lol. Or the heat was starting to get to her.:~)

This is Lilly and I at the hippo statue.

1st she's happy....

...Now, not so much...! :~)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Found Something....

I was able to come up with some projects that I can work on. However, before I can start them, there are some habits that I should break. Plus, they are small and that's kind of how I would like to start.

The two habits that I have chosen to work on are:

1.To get to bed at an earlier time
2.To start a cleaning schedule.

So, now that I have a couple of challenges, my hope is to write back here and report. It doesn't even matter if anyone is reading this. I just hope it can help me. It's the beginning of a new here it goes! :~)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What to do? What to do?....Oh I know....!

I am finally writing, it's been a long time! I'm having a hard time knowing when or how to really start my blog.... I watched the movie "Julie & Julia" and it has really gotten me inspired to blog about soooo many things. I'm sure that I am not the only one....

I am a person where I enjoy doing projects. However, I am also the kind of person that needs deadlines, and my wonderful husband has helped with that lately. I've discovered that I want to do sooo many things, so many projects and I want to do them all at the same time and be extremely wonderful at doing them. Which, in reality, is kinda impossible. I want it now and I can't do it at this point. So, what I'm trying to do is work on projects and be able to post my progress. Seriously, after watching "Julie & Julia", it's almost like the movie was for me. I'm a housewife and I need to do something constructive with my free time. I love my family and they will always come first!

At this point and time, I am gathering ideas for projects or experiences that will challenge me and help me learn and grow. I am open to ideas...that are reasonable. Lol :~) I'm not sure how many people are reading this and maybe I just need to go with the ideas that I have right now and see where it goes from there.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Picture This!

This is my attempt at doing a post with pictures. This is a picture I got when I was in Rexburg going to BYU-Idaho for a while. It's based on a short cartoon from Homestarrunner. It's one of my favorite cartoons on the site.

This is a picture of one of my favorite necklaces in the world! I had one other necklace like it but it was sister Leah broke, accidentally, a few years ago. This necklace was also my wonderful husband. At the time we were engaged and he was holding me up in the air and his head hit it and it broke....I was sad because I wanted to use it for when we got married. Oh well! I ended up finding another one kinda like it. Lol. :~)

This is a picture of Sam and I at Estes Park in Colorado. It was a small family get together with my side of the family in 2009. I was pregnant with Lilly at the time. We had so much time up there. I have many more pictures from that trip...but that's another post.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

*Blush* This is my first time....

Ha Ha! This is my first post on my blog. I thought I would try it out and kinda test the waters. I know it's gonna take me a while to get use to this, but once I get it I hope I can keep it up.

Seeing as this is my first post, this will be a short introduction post.

My name is Courtney. I was married to Sam in July of 2007. About 4 months ago, I had our beautiful daughter Lilly. I have been blessed with being able to be her mom and Sam's wife. I love both of them!!! I enjoy writing, whether it's in a journal of my own experiences or a creative story. Lately, I haven't been good at keeping up with it. I've also taken a joy in doing needlework like cross-stitching and embroidery. I'm still quite a beginner at it but it's relaxing for me. I really enjoy watching T.V., not the regular T.V. with commercials but with the glorious invention of Netflix, I have been able to watch T.V. series as well as movies. I love it more when I'm watching them with my husband! We try not to watch too much, though, or, at least, do something while we do it.

Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading!