Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alright, I mean it this time!

Okay, okay....I know I'm not the only one that has a hard time committing to goals and what not. However,I have just gotten tired of my laziness the past couple weeks. I'm getting disappointed in myself because I'm not really progressing and that's gotta stop. That kinda sounds funny....But anyway. I was reading this months Ensign magazine and the article that really got to me was by Elder Bednar. I think the title was...ok...I actually don't remember but it really made me stop and re-evaluate and make me ponder about my actions, or lack thereof. Especially concerning my physical body. I have gotten into a habit of watching T.V., actually more like watching T.V. shows I try not to watch actually T.V. because of the commercials are just a waste of time. We have Netflix and have been using that a whole lot. I enjoy watching the T.V. shows because I like the stories and it gives me ideas for my own. Plus, since I can't seem to find any good book series I find the ones on T.V. are sometimes just as good.

Anyhow, after reading the article I had my husband, Sam, read it. After he read it, I suggested that we take a challenge. That for 1 week we limit our T.V. watching to 2 hours a week (That's gonna be really hard because we're almost done with Season 2 of 24 and once we get into the next season it's gonna be hard to stop.), limit video game play to 1 1/2 hours (that's gonna be hard mostly for Sam), no more mindless internet surfing and T.V. watching, and (for me mostly) not listening to music that does not bring in the spirit.

I am actually pretty psyched about it. We are starting today. I know it's kinda weird but I know that if "I just wait until Sunday, because it starts a new week" I'll just procrastinate it and I won't get done nor will I have the wanting to do it. So I'm going to try out a technique with keeping my goals.

1.I am going to create a calendar and track my progress. I'm hoping that doing for a week will help me get into a good habit. I thought I'd start small.

2.I am going to do journal entries. I'm going to do them both written and blogified. Lol.

3. Report to a friend or family member...or just blog about it. I hope that my husband and I will to this together...maybe do a Family Home Evening type thing or just report at the end of the day. Lol A thought just came to me. Maybe...I could try doing an hour to hour thing like on 24 seeing how Sam and I have gotten obsessed about the T.V. show. I also hope to use my blog as a sort of update or tracking my progress.

4. Finally, I believe in the rewards program. So I think that once we meet our goals or at least change our bad habits, that there will be a small reward of some kind. Haven't thought of anything yet.

So there you have it, another goal I hope to go through with. Right now I'm pretty confident in it, plus it gives my an opportunity to feel like I'm being productive or actually BE productive. I WILL keep this posted and updated. I WILL!!!! :~)


  1. Hey I love this!!! I've been watching a lot of TV and being on facebook a lot too so this is an inspiration. We should report to each other every week even if it's just for 5 mins :) i think being able to keep track of my goals like you are (calender) will help me a lot. I've done it before but then slacked off unfortunately :( Our family procrastinates a lot!!! I love you and miss you!!! :)

  2. Hey thanks, Meliss!! I'm glad I can inspire you! I agree with the reporting thing. You know what's kind of funny...I thought you were a different person because I didn't recognize your name. Is that what it is in African or something? It's cool none the less. I miss you a lot and I love you!!!
