Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh wow!...Yeeeaaahhh it's been a while!

Well, here we are and it's almost Christmas and the last time I wrote anything it was hot and dry outside. Now it's wet and the sun peaked out for a total of...oh...4 minutes for the first time in daaayyss.

Anywho, the past few months have been quite an interesting ride. Although not quite as different since July as we are still living with my wonderful (And I genuinely mean that) in-laws and financially struggling. BUT it can always be worse. I seem to be telling myself that lately. Sam got a job at Best Buy in November. He doesn't get a whole lot of hours but it's something. Lilly is 14 months now and walking. I don't think she crawls a whole lot anymore, so we are super excited about that. Sam's brother Josh and his girlfriend, Tess, and their son have moved into the house as well. So, needless to say, it's been interesting. I have actually enjoyed as stressful as it can be. Yes, I am being honest, it is stressful. Josh and Tess's son, Ryley, and Lilly get a long great. I think it's a great opportunity for Lilly to have a playmate and who better to have than a cousin. :~)

I keep kicking myself because I keep meaning to post pictures and write more on my blog. I guess I just get lazy and discouraged sometimes. And that seems to happen too often lately....I had an interview yesterday and I'm suppose to hear back the beginning of this week, so we'll see how that goes. It was an interview for a childcare position. Well, that's it for now. I'll check back later.

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