Sunday, April 24, 2011

My "New Job"

For anybody who has seen "Groundhog Day," you know the song that was in it that woke Phil Connors on that repetitive holiday.

"Then put your little hand in mine,
There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb.
Babe, I got you babe...." on so on.

Well, this song has a new meaning for me but in the same context as Phil Connors on listening to a part of this song over and over and over again.

"I've got you babe" rings in one ear. The sound of tacky Valentine Day bears with singing countdown singers over and over again with the same chorus. And here to my other ear, as if a tour guide, the unknown wailings of an 18 month old girl who has had diarrhea in the past 24 hours and still won't be satisfied unless she's being held. Mixed in with the whining pointless "I wanna be held all the time" cry from a 9 month old boy who has go the strongest little limbs. Together, from these sounds seeping in through my ears meeting in the center of my head which also happens to be my brain. There the screeching redundant sounds clash in a tyraid of irritating sounds that grate my nerves like a cheese grater against sandstone.

I started my new job on April 4, 2011. I got it through a friend at church. I am really enjoying it! I watch a 3 year old girl named Anna and a 9 month old boy named Joseph. I also take Lilly with me. I drive to their house which is only about 10-15 minutes away so the commute isn't too bad. I get there at about 7:30 am and leave about 5 pm. So it's a full time job. It's nice because the parents are awesome and the kids really are well behaved. It's a chance for me to get out too and Lilly have some playmates. Anna and Joseph really are great kids! We have lots of fun. Although, I will admit, it is stressful at times, usually when everybody wants something at the same time. Anna is a great help and Lilly is loving being with other kids. Joseph is a strong little kid and is usually pretty happy, unless he's hungry, but so is all other babies.

This job has been a blessing as it gives me a chance to learn and grow as well as earn a little bit of money. Even if it is something I do everyday at home. I just get to do it with 3 children instead of 1.

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