Saturday, June 18, 2011

5...4...3...2...wait... it's already been launched.

"Operation Big and Sexy Dream" launched June 1, 2011 (yes, I need to put the year) at about 4:30 pm. I originally was going to write this at the beginning of the month but seeing as how it is mid June....hey at least I'm writing it...right? We got home from our wonderful trip from Denver, and Sam & I went and worked out at the YMCA. We were able to get a family membership and some financial assistance so that was a blessing. We were there for about an hour.

I, at first, wasn't sure what to do. So I kinda...just...walked around and familiarized myself with the place. I'm sure I looked weird just walking around. I started with some cardio on a treadmill for 20 minutes uping the speed every now and again. I did a quick jog for a couple of minutes. I was just being wary of my heart rate and breathing. Like an good exerciser would do. After I did that I lifted some weights and did some arm and ab workouts.

I checked out the woman's locker room, which I hadn't been in one since high school. I saw a Zumba class, which made me all the more mad that I couldn't go to one due to scheduling conflicts with my place of employment. I'm just trying to find my rhythm.

I then proceeded to walk outside and waited for Sam. I walked over to the track and walked a lap. My calves were starting to cramp up. Which now that I look at my calves, I think one is bigger than the other. Hmmm. That was when Sam was tryin' to get a hold of me. We both felt great afterwards and we both, especially Sam, enjoyed working out together, even though we weren't really together. I'm tryin' to work out (Ha Ha) a schedule with work, a workout, and yoga. I'm also walking with Natalee Spaulding, a friend from church. We're hoping to get more sisters to join but we go walking at 7:00 pm for about 45 minutes.

I've also been more diligent about watching what I eat. I've been on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich breakfast for the past month and hadn't realized how much fat peanut butter has. I also am more aware as to what foods upset my stomach and try to avoid those because I just hate feeling horrible.

I've also started, unofficially, bellydancing. I'm just doing the basics from DVD's. It is actually a really impressive dance. It is helping me with my mid section, which is what needs help at this point and time. Plus, the music is so incredible! Sometimes, much to my own discretion, I will just bust out dancing to the radio in the bedroom when no one is watching. Yes, like what those cheesy songs tell you to do. But it really is fun.....Hee Hee.

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